Monday, March 10, 2008

Review: Chuck Norris on WorldnetDaily

Just read an interesting article by none other than Walker Texas Ranger himself.

I was quite impressed with the depth of insight that the Ranger brought to the subject. Apparently he is not only skilled with a roundhouse kick to the face, but also pretty good with words.

Here is what the article dealt with:

Apparently a California Appellate Court just ruled that homeschooling is unconstitutional and even unlawful. Wow! Apparently some judges fail to realize that some of the greatest leaders America has ever produced were educated by farmers, parents, and other "non-trained" individuals.

Chuck gives a great set of responses to the decision that concerned citizens should consider.

My favorite quote from Chuck: "And don't forget to appeal to my old buddy the Governator. Tell him to flex his muscle on this appellate motion, or Texas might have to export a Ranger to get 'er done!"

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