Monday, July 9, 2007

Faith and a New Blog

Well, I guess it has been a few weeks since I last made a post.....oh well. This summer has been amazing...great weather, great experiences travelling (around the country and around the world). We leave tomorrow morning for Montana for a few days. It should be fun.

I got a chance to preach here at Cedar Park yesterday morning. I had a lot of fun. It is one of the things that I get to do that I really love. There is just something about teaching from the Scriptures and knowing that people are being built up in their faith. I really love it.

Anyway, the text I spoke from was Hebrews 11. At the end of the message I offered what Hebrews 11 might look like if it were written to Americans today instead of Jewish Christians in the first century AD. Here is what I came up with:

By faith the stay at home mom cares for her children, teaching them the way the Lord cares for his children.

By faith the firefighter walks willingly into danger to rescue those in need, knowing that God will protect them.

By faith the computer programmer writes code knowing that from a single web page, or program, the Gospel can be preached a thousand times.

By faith the contractor builds houses, offices, marketplaces where people will live, work, and shop knowing that God is in these places.

By faith the manager looks after the people who are entrusted to her. She uses the gift of leadership that the Lord has given her.

By faith the retiree awaits God’s adventure every day…who’s path will they cross? With whom will they share what the Lord has done for them?

By faith the husband chooses to love and be faithful to his wife, just as the Lord chooses to love and be faithful to him.

By faith the teacher imparts sound instruction to every pupil trusting that God has already prepared the student to hear it.

By faith the student studies and learns every bit of wisdom, knowing that Jesus himself grew in wisdom and was required to study.

By faith the soldier fights the good fight, knowing that the freedom that every American enjoys is not free.

These are all commended for their faith.